Finger Knitting How-to

The two kiddos are finger-knitting, which I've written about before and again, but it continues to be a favorite activity. It is a really easy way to make something from nothing, quickly, especially if you use a super-bulky yarn. I figured it was time to provide instructions to you all, since my family consistently gets so much joy out of doing it. I've provided a finger knitting tutorial below.
You end up with a long coil of knitting like this, that curls itself into a sort of tube.
My son is using a finer and less expensive yarn, here. You can pretty much use whatever yarn you have sitting around to do this.
They really do enjoy the process. Often, they will finger knit as we read to them. It keeps their bodies still while still allowing them enough space to pay attention.
Some day, I'll make a coiled rug from the pieces. I thought Allie's use of the thick and chunky yarn might allow that, but she wanted to use it as a scarf. Cute! And, yes! that's my tree, still up. Okay, okay, the decorations are coming down today. But I wouldn't have given up my time on the couch knitting with my kids for anything!
Any yarn
An eager kiddo
Time: However long you want!
Start by placing the yarn in between your thumb and hand, such that the tail hangs behind your hand.
Pick up the yarn that goes to the ball, leaving the tail in between your thumb and hand. Bring the yarn behind your middle finger and over your ring finger.Now, bring the yarn around your pinky, behind your ring finger and over your middle finger.
Next, bring the yarn around your index finger.
Now, we're going to head back again. Bring the yarn behind your middle finger and over your ring finger.
Then, around your pinky, behind your ring finger, over your middle finger.
Starting with your pinky finger, bring the lower loop on your finger over the upper loop and over your finger.
Continue this process on each finger, bringing the lower loop over the upper loop and over your finger. Bring the tail in between your index finger and your middle finger. This is your home base. Now, repeat.
Wrap the yarn around your index finger.
Proceed to repeat the over and under until you have two loops on each finger.
Pull the lower loops over all the upper loops and over the finger, starting at the pinky.
You end up back at home base and you just keep repeating.
This is how the back looks.This is how the opposite side of the finger knitting looks.
To finish, cut the yarn and bring the end through each of the loops. If your child wants a break at any point, bring a pencil or pen through the loops in this same way and set aside. Then, easily place the loops back on the fingers when you want to continue.
Take the loops off your fingers and pull tightly.
Voila - there's your finger knitting chain.
My kids have gotten fancy and done two colors at the same time, or braided three lengths of finger knitting together or made HUGE balls out of their finger knitting. The fact is, its all fun and a great way to start those little ones knitting. Allie started finger knitting when she was 4. Give it a whirl with your young ones. And here's to wishing for many more lazy knitty Sundays for you and yours!

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