Instructions for a 6-strand Flat Braid
This is essentially a 6-strand expansion of 5-strand flat braid #2. I have included two differnt methods of making this braid. The appearance of the braid is different in the two methods I have shown, but by varying the way the braid is tightened, both methods can produce both appearances.
Method #1
This method is similar to the methods for both 4-strand flat braid #1, and 5 strand flat braid #2. It is a good method to use with flat materials like leather lace or coreless parachute cord.

To begin, hold the 6 strands so that three are in each hand.

The outside right strand is the first to be moved. Bring it over the middle right hand strand, under the inside right hand strand, and transfer it to the right hand, as shown by the blue arrow.

Here you can see that the strand has been crossed. There are now two right hand strands and four left hand strands.

Now it is the outside left strand that will be moved. Bring that strand under the adjacent strand, over the next strand, and under the inside left strand. Tranfer it to the right hand.

Here the second step is shown completed. Note that there are again three strands in each hand. One cycle of the braid has been completed.

These two steps can be continued for any desired length. Here you can see what the Braid looks like after several cylcles have been finished. If this braid is not made with flat material (as in these pictures) it takes a little extra work to adjust the tightness of the strands if the braid is to look even. This braid in this form will tend to develop a natural twist.
Method #2
This method is essentially 6 strand finger weaving. With finger weaving, each strand acts as both warp and weft at different times.

To start, hold 5 strands in the right hand. With the left hand, weave the other strand through the five strands going over-under-over-under-over as shown by the blue arrow. It is as though the 5 strands are warp, and the other is the weft.

Here the strand has been woven through.

The strand that is on the far left will now act like a weft strand. Bring it through the middle four strands going over-under-over-under.

The first weft strand will now become a warp strand. Simply bring it under the last weft strand and alongside the other warp strands as shown.

Here you can see that the first weft strand is now a warp strand.

Now the strands must be tightened. Make sure that the weft strand in the right hand is pulled tighter than the other strands. This will cause the other strands to be close together as in the picture.

The process of taking the far left warp strand, weaving it through as a weft strand, and bringing the previous weft strand under it to rejoin the other warps is repeated for the length of the braid. Here you can see what that looks like.

This is what the back side of the braid looks like.
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